Riding the Current

Friday, June 30, 2006

The Queen of the Night cactus
This is a Queen of the Night cactus in full bloom with probably 50 more buds ready to open. The Queen of the Night will only open its flowers in the evening-the early morning. It will truly never stop growing taller until it falls over and busts off all its branches. Then the stump will sprout more branches and the branches will sprout more Queen of the Nights. There must be 50 of them around the house and all came from a single plant that had to be trimmed. All of its plants had to be trimmed. We only trim them because they get frost-bite. That is everything you need to know on the Queen of the Night cactus.
posted by Jessica's DS at 6/30/2006 06:11:00 AM


Oh my goodness! If those could survive here I'd be begging for a cutting! What an awesome thing! thanks so much for sharing that, : )

Monday, July 03, 2006 9:48:00 AM  

Dittoing Becky... Frost bite? I'm afraid we'd freeze it to death rather quickly in our area. And, I have to admit, I was rather surprised to see a cactus in Flordia!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006 11:07:00 PM  

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