Riding the Current

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

My Fish
Here is my fish that I caught. It is a Grass Carp. It was over 25lbs. and it was around 3' long. I was at a community pool with my friend and we saw the carp as he got hooked. As I was fighting him everyone came out of the pool to see what I had. When they didn't see a fish they went back in and 10 minutes later came out to once more find out that I was still wearing him out. They went into the pool again and came out 10 minutes later to find I was just landing it. I had to heave him over a fence which a barely did. After that everyone got to touch him and then I released him. He floated on the top of the water for a minute or two. Then he swam away.

Photo Credit: My friend's mom. :)

posted by Jessica's DS at 8/15/2006 06:43:00 AM


Holy cARp!!! That is one big fish!!! I knew you were a great fisherman! Way to go!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006 2:30:00 PM  

Hey, welcome back! : )
way huge-o fish, how exciting to pull that one in!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006 8:40:00 AM  

good job great catch its really really big!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

see ya later aligator

the penguin

Wednesday, August 16, 2006 6:08:00 PM  

Now that's a fish! :) Nice Catch!

Friday, August 18, 2006 8:05:00 PM  

OMG! That is one great catch! My nephew is here from IL and he wants you to take him fishing!! LOL Congrats. Great pictures!
Jackie in Orlando

Wednesday, August 23, 2006 4:32:00 PM  

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